In today’s climate, a strong online presence is an essential ingredient to any effective marketing strategy. From small and medium to large enterprises, a well-designed, mobile- and user-friendly website is a must-have if your goal is to convert visitors into customers. Naturally, every page on your website serves a purpose and needs to be optimized, however, this blog post focuses specifically on the page that virtually introduces you and your product or service to prospective clients – the About Page. Since pictures paint a thousand words, AirBrush has a few suggestions on the types of visuals you should feature on your About page to capture – and hold – the attention of visitors to your site.
What is an About Page?
The About Page is a fixture on all business websites. It hosts key information about a company and its offerings and visitors often use it as a resource to learn more about a brand’s story, its team, and its operations. As such, strong, concise copy and captivating visuals are the cornerstones of a well-executed About Page. With that in mind, here are 4 photo categories you should include in your About Page.
Team Photo

A team photo on your About Page shows potential clients who they will be working with, as well as conveys a sense of shared responsibility. Whether you’re posing for the camera or you opt for a more candid approach, the right photo should reflect your organizational culture and give some insight into what it would be like to collaborate with your company. So gather your team and captured some photos of you all in your element. And, if it turns out some of your staff weren’t feeling their photo-ready best, polish them up with Beauty Magic. They’ll appreciate it!
Product Details

Whether it’s a product or service, make sure to show what you’re selling. Additionally, if you can, use the About Page to show how it’s meant to be used and the benefit to the customer. Then use the Details tool to show off the work that went into it. This tool brings out the details of any photo with just a few swipes. Layer the effect to get the most impact.
What You Do

Next, show off your process, which can be quite the USP depending on the industry. Use your About Page to capture your team and processes in situ and then use Crop to remove anything unrelated. Crop lets you hide the physical chaos that usually accompanies a small business workspace and allows your audience to focus on what you can do for them.
Where You Do It

Lastly, capture where your business actually happens on the About Page. This gives your audience an additional glimpse behind the scenes and the Filter feature will show you up in the best light. Use Filter to convey the tone you want to play up in the photo. Somber and professional or light-hearted and fun. This will be determined by the business type.
Remember, your business’ online presence goes beyond curating a dazzling social media presence that wows the masses. Websites are the new storefront and the About Page is your calling card so if yours is missing the aforementioned elements, now is the time to give it an upgrade AirBrush, the easy photo editor. Once you do, announce the revamp on your social media platforms by posting one of your new photos and use #AirBrushApp so we can see your creativity in action. Then follow us @AirBrushOfficial for even more useful tips and hacks to elevate your business!