5 Tips to Spread Joy for International Day of Happiness

The 2022 International Day of Happiness is being celebrated with the theme Build Back Happier. This is meant to build off the end of global quarantines and the reuniting of friends and family. To help everyone celebrate the day, AirBrush has some tips for you to spread joy on Instagram. Trying even one or all of these tips is sure to put a smile on your audience’s face.

Shout Out Others

International Day of Happiness - shout out

The trend these days is to push your personal brand on the ‘gram. Because attention is a valuable currency that can change people’s lives, use your platform, no matter the size, to shout and spread that currency around. If there’s a person or group or business to want to boost up, a shout out on International Day of Happiness is the perfect opportunity.

Highlight a Worthy Cause

International Day of Happiness - worthy cause

Make your post a little more personal and spotlight a worthy cause. By choosing to highlight a cause you’re speaking to your principles but you are also bringing much-needed attention to the plight of others. Issues to highlight can range from international humanitarian efforts to the neighborhood food can drive. If you feel something is worth the repost, we guarantee they are glad for the attention.

Meme and Out

International Day of Happiness - meme

If you’re a natural comedian or have a unique point of view, perhaps you can be a meme queen for International Day of Happiness. They do say laughter is the best medicine because it releases the feel-good hormones that make us feel better. Find the most universally funny meme you can repost to share a chuckle with viewers.

Aim for Inspirational

woman in embrace

Instead of the usual aspirational posts think about what content is going to inspire your audience. We’re talking about a pure shot of “We’re all cheering for you.”, “You’ve got this!” with no room left for comparisons. You can go for a text post but for more reach, post a picture with a face and follow it up with an impactful caption.

Elevate with AirBrush

woman smiling

With a handful of tips in the bag, whatever you choose to post can be upgraded with tools from AirBrush. And one of the quickest ways to add an impactful edit is with one of our Filters. The Clean filter is one of our most popular and creates a clean and fresh effect on photos. 

woman standing on bridge
  • Go to the Filter tab on the main menu.
  • Go to the tab on the main menu
  • Scroll through the Categories  to see Airbrush’s newest Filters
  • Choose the filter you prefer option to apply
  • Toggle the intensity with the slide bar
  • Tap the checkmark to save your edit

Don’t make the mistake of dismissing the International Day of Happiness. With a collective effort, we can all spread a bit more joy and positivity on the designated day. So use AirBrush, the easy photo editor, to keep the initiative alive beyond the day for consistent feel vibes. When you’re ready to post, tag them with #AirBrushApp so everyone can find them. Then follow us over on Instagram @AirBrushOfficial for our latest tips, tricks and hacks!