2023 Content Marketing Trends You Need to Know

It’s the second week of the new year, so if you need to plan out quarter-one goals, you’re not too late. Once your overarching goals are established, you’ll want to niche down on your digital marketing and that’s where we come in. There are key 2023 content marketing trends that you should focus on to make your SNS strategies effective. AirBrush is here to support all your content needs to make your 2023 content look professional and achieve maximum engagement. 

Short Form Vids

Video is still the top-ranking medium for SNS platforms. They are a fun, snappy way to showcase your brand, products or services. Together with trending sounds or music, short-form videos will be prioritized by the various platforms. You can string engaging photos together on the timeline or use stock video clips to create the content you need. AirBrush Video is the tool that lets you apply Effects, Transitions, Text and other features to make your videos stand out. 

Bonus: You can now Retouch your video directly in AirBrush, check out the tutorial here.

In-app Transactions

2023 Content Marketing Trends - AirBrush Video

Next up in our 2023 content marketing trends, is the continued rise of in-app transactions. Facebook and Instagram are leading the charge in this category and other platforms are poised to follow suit. When considering your content marketing strategies, keep in mind that the goal of these platforms is to keep the audience on the app. So avenues will be created to keep users on the app versus them clicking away to another site. Be prepared to take advantage of this sales funnel.

Real-time Engagement

person on mobile phone

Despite the pointed push to ads and sales, it is imperative to remember that this marketing medium is social media. People don’t hop on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok with an aim of buying Christmas or Valentine’s gifts. They are likely to unfollow a brand page if they believe it to be too salesy. An easy way to “keep it real”? Real-time engagement. Respond to your fans, answer questions, address concerns or complaints and fan the hype flames where applicable. 


woman hugging another woman

Collaboration never goes out of style and co-marketing can be a game changer in 2023. Whether it be a tangible collab, where there’s a mash-up of products. Or you produce content that lets your respective audiences know that the two brands are working together. When it comes to producing co-marketing content, utilise Background and TextBackground to quickly combine images of you and your collaborator and Text to add the details: places, prices and time for both your followers to get in on the joint venture.

Document the Process

BTS photoshoot

We cannot emphasize enough the power that #authenticity will have on content going forward. The days of the perfectly polished brand with immaculately produced images and videos are gone. If your brand is still growing, therein lies the perfect opportunity to share with your audience organically. “Document the process” means capturing BTS content, solo or group brainstorms, planning sessions and anything else that doesn’t first pass through a production meeting. Sharing the growing pains and the work that goes into pushing your business forward helps followers feel more invested in the brand. 

Refresh & Repurpose

2023 Content Marketing Trends - Filters

Repurposing content isn’t new but it’s grown to the point of joining the ranks of 2023 content marketing trends. Repurposing content simply means chopping up long-form content, like a blog post or longer video, into bite-sized pieces of content optimized to perform on SNS platforms. To make sure that all the imagery used is cohesive, use our Filters tool. Choose the Filter that works best with your brand palette and apply it to all images and videos that aren’t left on the cutting room floor. 

AI Generated Content

human and mechanical hands in the picture frame

Lastly, there’s the cutting edge in digital marketing, AI-generated content. Now we advise that you look to AI to augment and scale your content generation. Not for it to replace your current content creation process. As more established platforms integrate an AI element, your brand should look to learn them and implement them into your digital content strategy. As added motivation, just remember that new features are usually favored by the host algorithm. First-adopter content made with these features will be given greater reach and the platforms strive to influence others to use the tool as well.

Now that we’ve covered the seven buckets to aim your 2023 content marketing trends, it’s up to you to execute. These are broad scopes in their own right and can be taken in any direction. That means you can make these trends as personalised to your brand as possible. AirBrush, the easy photo editor, makes creating your content marketing seamless and cohesive. Once you’re ready to share with your audience, be sure to tag us with #AirBrushApp and then follow along @AirBrushOfficial for the latest tips, tricks and hacks.