After the Rain…Ride These Rainbow Backgrounds

This Pride Month we’re not letting anyone rain on our parade. We’re here strictly for the rainbows! Color us happy, because this June we’re making memories and marking the occasion with gorgeous edits featuring powerful backgrounds that reflect our Pride. Ready to make some magic? Choose your favorite photo and let’s get started on an incredible rainbow inspired edit courtesy the AirBrush Pride pack.

Over the Rainbow

Let’s get your Pride edit started off on the right foot with the perfect Rainbow Background. We’re partial to bold Stripes because of how much they pop. But there are 3 other options from which you can choose so feel free to select the one that best matches your mood.

  • Go to the Tools Tab
  • Choose the Background Tool 
  • Select the Stripes Background
  • You may need to do a little pinch and flip to showcase all the colors of the rainbow
  • Click the check mark to save your edit

Step Out of the Shadows

It’s time to step out of the shadows and into the light so the world can see you for the diamond that you are! Our next order of business is to make sure you’re well lit.

  • Go to the Enhance Tools
  • Tap on the Shadows Feature and use the center cursor to adjust the shadow levels
  • Remember to click the check mark to save your edit

Now you’ve got to make sure you stand out against your rainbow background.

  • Go to the Contrast Tool
  • Use the cursor to increase the contrast on your photo
  • Need an extra oomph? Head to the Saturation Tool and slide the cursor to the right for more intense hues.

Show Your True Colors

This June, you’re the Queen of Color and that’s why we love you! After all, if there’s one time in the year you can never have too much color, it’s Pride Month!

  • Open the Makeup Tab
  • Select the cute-as-ever Candy Filter
  • Move the cursor to adjust the strength of the Filter (you can never have too much candy so we suggest going all the way with this one)

Always remember, a Queen is nothing without her crown. We’re going all out with hair that speaks volumes.

  • Go to the Retouch Tab and select the Hair Dye Tool
  • Let’s go with a bold color that shows our pride, like Pony
  • Drag the cursor to the maximum strength of the Hair Dye.

But wait, there’s more! Time to sprinkle a little bit of sparkle on your face!

  • Pop on over to the Glitter Tool
  • Select a glitzy hue that speaks to you
  • You’ll want to zoom in for this one and apply it to your eyes (or anywhere else you like!)
  • Remember to click the checkmark to save as you go

Go Vogue

Now for the pièce de résistance with some Filter fun! We nominate the Brave Pride Filter to add even more personality to your edit.

  • Go to the Filter Library
  • Open the Pride Filter Pack
  • Feast your eyes on our 7 beautiful, rainbow-inspired filters
  • Select the one that best suits your mood. We’re feeling pretty Brave right now.
  • Tap the check mark to save your edit!

We’re pretty proud of this Pride edit, if we do say so ourselves and we hope you’re loving yours as well. With fresh filters and a full range of features AirBrush has all the tools you need to elevate your Instagram feed from “fine” to “fire” this Pride Month! So, follow @AirBrushApp for tips, tricks and hacks. Then share your most popping Pride pic using the tag #AirBrushApp. We can’t wait to see the rainbow magic you create!