How to bring Rock n’ Roll to your pictures

When Rock and Roll made its debut in the 50s, no one could have guessed it would become a huge cultural force changing the music scene forever. Rock and Roll music is a mix between gospel, jump blues, jazz, boogie, rhythm and blues, and country music. From AC/DC, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and obviously the Rolling Stones. The genre influenced the evolution of popular music, and these artists are still legends today! But Rock n’ Roll isn’t only music, it is an attitude, a fashion style, a way of life! 

For this World Rock n’ Roll day, bring the rock attitude to your pictures! With the AirBrush app, transform your pictures in a grungy, rocking style instantly! 

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Choose the right accessories 

Rock and Roll is more than just a musical genre; it is also a long-lasting fashion trend. Nowadays, fashionistas choose the right clothes and accessories to live the Rock and Roll life to the fullest. Even before taking your picture choose the right accessories: cropped band t-shirts, ripped skinny jeans, denim and leather jackets, hats, and high ankle boots. All these accessories will bring the extra touch to rock your pictures! 

Add make-up 

Once you have taken your picture, it is time to edit. First, upload your photo in the AirBrush app and open the Makeup tool. To achieve a Rock and Roll style, look for a smokey eye, a red lip, or any darker look. Here at AirBrush we love to use LadyBoss, Smoulder and Smokey for a total Rock and Roll look. 

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Pro tip: Remember you can mix and match different makeup style with the My Look option. To learn more about My Look, check our ‘How to use: Makeup’ article here.

Change your hairstyle 

Rockers are known for their amazing hairstyles. Always on the edge of a new trend, rock and roll lovers play with colors and asymmetrical cuts. Obviously, changing your hairstyle for a picture is a bit too much. This is why the Hair Dye tool is made for you. You can decide to go for a flashy pink, purple or green or opt for a more underground style with dark black, ash or a galactic blue. 

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Finish the style with an amazing Background. Head up to the Background tool and use the brick wall for an underworld style or an edgy colorful one for a psychedelic feel. 

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Black n white 

Another way to give your pictures a Rock and Roll feel is by using black and white. This will add an edgy feeling to your photo. To do this, simply select the Filter tool and scroll for the perfect filter. We recommend the ‘Bedford’ filter in the ‘Cinema’ section and the ‘Timber’ filter from the ‘Element’ menu. 

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Once you have selected your filter, head to the Vignette tool. This one will add an extra layer of black spreading from each corner of your photo. This will perfectly finish the Rock n’ Roll look.

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A vintage feeling 

Rock and Roll has been on the scene for at least 6 decades. You can’t go wrong by adding a vintage touch to your picture. To get a vintage feel, first use a black and white filter, in this case, the ‘Bedford’ filter. Then, open the Enhance tool. You can now adjust the different elements of your photo such as Contrast, Sharpness, Shadows, and Saturation. To finish the vintage mood, add the Grain option; and in an instant, you are back in the 50s. 

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Usually, this element should be edited with caution in order to not lose details. But when it comes to Rock and Roll, don’t be worried if you lose some of the details in the darkest areas of your picture. This will enrich the edgy mood of your photo. 

This year create a unique grungy look and embrace Rock and Roll day with the AirBrush app! We can’t wait to see your creations. Send us the results on Instagram at @AirBrushOfficial and use the hashtag #AirBrushApp for a chance to get featured!