Happy Leo Season! Leo energy inspires us to be charismatic, confident and to take center stage in our lives. You can use different AirBrush filters to steal the spotlight and showcase your best self(ie) by editing your photos’ brightness, saturation and much more.
This month, there will be an electrifying Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3 that will bring about exciting changes in your life. Full moons represent emotional periods of reflection and release. The themes that are illuminated by this Full Moon will help you break free from any outmoded behaviors and relationship dynamics in your life this month.
Uranus will be going retrograde on August 15, spurring breakthrough internal change. The Uranus retrograde will align well with the New Moon in Leo 3 days later on August 18, which will inspire us to look inward and review our actions and behavior from the viewpoint of others. This will be a great time to change aspects of our self-presentation that keep us from taking center stage in our lives.
What do the stars have in store for you this month? Read your astrological forecast to understand the energetics at play in your life and check out the AirBrush filter most cosmically aligned with your astrological destiny this month.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)

August is a playful month for you Aries! With the Sun transiting your 5th house, it’s a lovely time to experiment with new creative pursuits that bring out your inner child. This doesn’t always have to be the typical versions of creativity that you might be thinking. Just ask yourself: how do I find joy? This could be as simple as having a solo dance party or doodling in your notebook for 5 minutes everyday.
Now is a time you could also attract love into your life with Venus also transiting your 5th house of romance. At the same time, Uranus in your 2nd house of personal finance could shake up your approach to money. Handle these shifts with self-care and don’t forget to ask for a little help from your friends. With the Aquarius Full Moon falling in your 11th house, emotional support from your tribe has never been nearer or dearer to your heart.
Aries AirBrush Filter for August:
Bring out your playful side with the Ultrapop Pack. There are 5 filters in a range of Pop Art-inspired, sepia and vintage options. For you, dazzling Aries, we recommend the bold pops of color and electric flavor of the ULT-1, ULT-2 and ULT-4 filters to bring out your wild side!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your home life should get a new look this month, Taurus, whether that be an actual home makeover or a revamp to your relationship dynamics at home. With the Sun and Venus transiting your 4th house of home, family, foundations and roots, the theme of this month for you is truly embodied by the saying: “if you want to change the world, go home and love your family” (Mother Theresa).
Big, bright changes and surprises in your career on the Aquarius Full Moon could give you opportunities you’ve only dreamed of. On the flip side, there may be shifts that come about that disrupt your need for stability and familiarity in your work. You are truly meant to stand out this month. With eccentric Uranus in your 1st house, experiment with changes to your look – dye your hair, test out a new wardrobe style. You might also notice the zany parts of your personality coming to the fore this month. Lean into your weirdness and try to have fun with it. Especially for you, stable Taurus, it’s a great time to let your freak flag fly!
Taurus AirBrush Filter for August:
Cozy up at home with soothing filters from the Monocle Pack which includes 6 filters that bring an intimate quality to your photos. For you, serene Taurus, we recommend warm softness of MON-1 and MON-3. Also try the darker MON-2 option for a slightly moodier effect.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

This month the Sun will be lighting up the part of your chart you feel most at home with Gemini: learning and communication. Communicate your curious ideas and inquisitive thoughts to those around you. See if your values undergo a shift around the time of the Leo Full Moon, which will light up your 9th house of higher learning and beliefs.
Uranus will be retrograding through your 12th house so it’s time to pull back the covers on any hidden truths about yourself that you may not have given enough focus on in all of your lighthearted adventuring. It’s OK to be honest about your shadow self and the ways in which you’ve suffered or acted self-destructively. This would be a great time to look into ideas related to the unseen,the psychic and the spiritual. Whatever helps you stand still a little longer, Gemini, and focus on the mysteries of life even though your instinct is to keep it light and bright.
Gemini AirBrush Filter for August:
Tap into your spiritual side with the Element Pack of 5 filter options to add a mystical, otherworldly quality to your photos. To help you connect with your Crown Chakra and reach for the stars, use Galaxy. For grounding down and stimulate your Root Chakra, try Redwood. Finally, to activate your Third Eye and intuition, we recommend Mirage.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

“Show me the money!” That’s your mantra of the month, Cancer, and you shouldn’t be worried about being loud and proud about it. With the Sun transiting your 2nd house of personal finance and possessions, there will be a focus on self-worth and how you make your money this month. Other people’s influence on your finances could come up on the Aquarius Full Moon. Specifically, if you have any brewing insecurities about being independent and financially secure, those feelings could come up in a big way. Some upheaval in your friendships and community could have affected your emotional well-being the last couple months. Be sweet to yourself Cancer babe. Remember that while it may feel like the end of the world, it’s usually worse in your subjective mind. Reach out to your friends and ask for help instead of scuttling into your crab shell this time. You are loved.
Cancer AirBrush Filter for August:
Highlight the love from your friends this month, Cancer, with the Daydream pack. This 5-filter pack includes dreamy, softhearted hues that will give your pictures an intimate feel. For a low lit glow, go with DAY-1. For a rosy finish with lavender undertones, try DAY-4. Finally, DAY-3, for that light-filled, rainbow tinge to truly showcase the magic of the friendships in your life.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Happy birthday Leo! It’s your time to shine and damn are you good at stealing the show. With the Sun lighting up your 1st house for most of the month, there’s a focus on your unique personality and what makes you special in this world. Don’t be surprised if you feel more in demand and popular than usual. Your bright, charismatic and playful personality is truly on display this month! Themes around sharing the spotlight and understanding balance will come up on the Aquarius Full Moon. Remember being center stage also requires that you sit in the audience sometimes. Rather than act like a haughty lion, let someone else take the spotlight for a beat. In the end, it’s more aligned with your highest octave, which is to be warm and loving.
Big shifts in your career are underway and demanding your attention this month. This can include surprising opportunities that force you to make sudden changes in your life. It’s all for the best in the end and the adrenaline rush will have you hooked.
Leo AirBrush Filter for August:
It’s time for your Glow Up, Leo! Dazzle your followers with the Diamonds filter to add sparkling accents to your photos. We also recommend the Scarlett filter pack to help you grab the spotlight with bold red colors. For subtle red shadows, try SCL-3. To really steal the show, try SCL-5, which applies an all-over red tint to your photos.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Leo season is a mystical time for you, practical Virgo, and it may be frustrating to your sense of productivity. It’s a time to look into your personal spirituality and areas where you can be gentler towards yourself. You are the incredible critic of the zodiac and understand exactly what needs to be changed or fixed always.
That said, August is really a time for you to invest in your intuition in a non-linear way. What exactly does that mean? Color outside of the lines, feel deeply, and refrain from making lists and charts that measure your efficiency. Things like journaling, meditation, energy healing would be great activities this month. Think gently about the ways your hyper-critical nature might be holding you back from developing your intuition and empathy. Deprioritize work life and routine and just feel your feelings instead. Uranus’ retrograde in your 9th house is asking you to reframe your belief systems and expand into a higher consciousness. Welcome to the month of magical thinking, Virgo!
Virgo AirBrush Filter for August:
Tap into your magic this month and find inspiration from the cosmos, Virgo, with the Celestial Filter Pack. Add the Luna filter to your photos for a wistful, heavenly energy. Try Prism for an ethereal, rainbow gleam. Finally, Cosmos combines both a pink angelic glow with the perfect pops of prismatic afterglow to give your photos a supernatural brilliance.

Thanks for reading and check out Part 2 of our August horoscope series for the filters and forecasts of the rest of the signs. Now that the stars have aligned, it’s your time to create and share the perfect selfie! Take a shot and share your edited image with the AirBrush app on Instagram at @AirBrushOfficial! Follow us for more content, video tutorials, and a chance to be featured on our profile by tagging the #AirBrushApp hashtag.