An Aquarian Edit to Breeze Through with AirBrush

Welcome to the annual age of Aquarius. These spacey water-bearers are known as independent thinkers, curious, non-conformists. And in honor of these progressive & revolutionary minded individuals, AirBrush has put together an edit that distils the Aquarius spirit. So if you’re in the mood to take a look at something new and unusual, let’s get started!

Adorable Aquarius Traits! 


Aquarian - retouch

Aquarians have the natural knack of catching the notice of others. So whether it’s their sense of style, radical ideas or creative drive, this air sign is like a gale that shakes up any group they’re in. Retouch adds that subtle enhancement that speaks to the Aquarius’ naturally exceptional character.

  • Go to the Retouch Tab on the Main Menu
  • Select the Magic feature for an automatic application
  • Scroll through the different featurettes to customise the edit 


Aquarian - relight

Aquarius are known to be… very in their own heads. Constantly pondering new ideas, possible solutions or creative concepts. One of their favorite things are deep, stimulating conversations that don’t require censorship. The Relight tool can be used to highlight the cerebral nature of the Aquarian.

  • Go to the Tools Tab on the Main Menu
  • Select the Relight feature option 
  • Choose your preferred lighting option. We went with Backlight in this photo
  • Adjust the intensity and color with the toggle options
  • Tap the checkmark to save your edit


Aquarian - bokeh

Although airy Aquarians are deeply social , they love taking charge to make their vision come to life. If they seek but do not find the team or group that can help them, they are perfectly willing to take the endeavor on themselves. Use the Bokeh tool to showcase the Aquarian trait to go it alone if necessary.

  • Go to Bokeh in the Tools menu
  • Bokeh will automatically detect the areas to keep focused
  • Adjust the degree of the Bokeh effect by using the center toggle
  • Use the eraser feature if there are any blurred areas that you would like to keep in focus.
  • Tap the checkmark to save your edit


Aquarian - filters

Ultimately, Aquarians are motivated by the idea of a better tomorrow and a utopic age for mankind. It’s this natural trust that things can always improve is part of what makes them great problem solvers. Making use of Filters’ Aquarius can showcase this internal optimistic light that Aquarius exhibit.

  • Go to the FiltersTab on the Main Menu
  • Select the Horoscope category feature option 
  • Tap the Aquarius option to select 
  • Adjust the intensity with the toggle slide bar
  • Tap the checkmark to save your edit


young woman sitting in a chair

As we’ve mentioned, Aquarians have a fondness for mental gymnastics which can make them quite clever Cathy’s. And their embrace of futuristic and non-conformist thinking helps them with coming up with unique ideas and solutions. Use AirBrush’s Prism to highlight the sparkling Aquarius mind.

  • Go to the Tools Tab on the Main Menu
  • Select the Prism feature option 
  • Adjust the size of the area you want to keep in focus
  • Adjust the intensity with the toggle option
  • Tap the checkmark to save your edit
young woman wearing cozy socks

So in just five steps and we’ve got an edit that captures the Aquarius spirit. Use AirBrush, the easy photo editor, to elevate your photos to the Aquarian standard. And then tag them with #AirBrushApp so everyone can find them and then follow @AirBrushOfficial to get our latest tips, tricks and hacks.