It’s time for a Back to the Future moment so we can take a trip down iconic decade lane and figure out which era best matches your current aesthetic. We all know fashion and trends come round and round again, so we’re always in a recycled phase but we can also take a peep at what may be just around the corner. You can recreate the effect of any of these iconic decades with our awesome Filters. When it comes to photography trends AirBrush, the easy photo editor, has got the looks on lock.

After the swingin’ sixties, the seventies were an explosion of the celebration of self-expression and an embracement of personal freedom. The photos of this iconic decade are dominated by a dusty tone to the colors and a soft-focus haze. Get the same effect with the Sunburst filter under the Texture category of filters.

The eighties was an iconic decade that saw a shift of the focus of pop culture to inner-city settings. Lycra, studs and huge shoulder pads found their forever home and neon became the homing signal. Get the same overblown and saturated look with the Sweet filter that’ll have you belting your swimsuit for a workout in no time.

The perfect word to describe the nineties is the word grunge. Whether you were actually a punk or just pretending, the nineties were about looking like you were doing the least. That translates into imperfect photos, because, like, who has time to pose? Insert a little grain and blur of this iconic decade into your photos with the Peacock filter.

This iconic decade brought the popularization of digital photography and with it, a lot more experimentation. But what remained prevalent was a crisp and detailed photo. Not over saturated but very true to real-life color. Try the PC-4 filter to get the effect of the last decade we wish we could go back to. You find this filter under our Popular category.
So which is your favorite? We know it’s hard to choose, each iconic decade had its own special charm. But whichever speaks to you the strongest, AirBrush has got the Filter and every other tool to help you channel that exact vibe in your photos. Once your photos are dated, so to speak, tag them with #AirBrushApp so we can find them and then follow @AirBrushOfficial over on Instagram to get all the latest tips, tricks and hacks.