We have mentioned in a previous post several ways to use the Makeup tool in the AirBrush app, but we have not talked about this particular trick before. We hope you find it useful!
There are two options under the Makeup tab: the preset filters or the My Look tool that allows you to create your own design. Though, you may have not been aware that there is an additional option that allows you to remove makeup. This tool called Fine Tune is useful when you do not want to create your own My Look, or maybe your app version does not offer the feature.
Let us show you exactly how to use Fine Tune and how it can be combined with other makeup options.
- As soon as you open the Makeup tool, your face will be highlighted with two orange lines.
- Once you choose a makeup filter, your face will automatically be applied with those colors.
- If you look over to the bottom left corner of your photo, you will find an icon that looks like a pointing finger.
- This icon opens the Fine Tune settings and marks dots throughout your face.
- The four facial icons will be shown in orange, this means the makeup is “turned on” in each facial feature.
- The moment you click on a facial feature, for instance, your eyes, the makeup will be removed from that area, and the icon will turn gray.

Now that you know how it works, we want to show you ideas of how to combine different makeup pallets.
Here’s an example if you’d like to make subtle changes to your picture and leave a more natural look, these three filters are the perfect combination.
- Choose the Bijou makeup and using Fine Tune, remove all areas except the lips. Click the checkmark on the bottom right, it will take you back to the Makeup pallet, and you must click the blue checkmark again.
- You will be back on the main page of the AirBrush app, and the process will be repeated. This time we apply the Mistletoe makeup on the eyebrows only, checkmark, decrease the intensity with the sliding bar and make sure to click on the checkmark one more time.
- Lastly, we apply the Freckles makeup, decrease the intensity and checkmark.
- Voilà.

Here is another idea for you to try, this could be a bolder look. Repeat the process mentioned before, if there are any errors, always use the X mark or the back arrow to remove the added filters.

A final idea, if you like rose yet dark tones, this one is for you. We hope it makes you feel peachy.

In the End
Feel free to try different combinations, at the end of the day it is your picture, just make sure to follow the steps below. If at any moment you find that color is not staying and several filters are applying on top of each other, use the back arrow, reapply, and make you you click on those checkmarks after every filter you apply.
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