The month has been flying by with Fall colors, and we have reached mid-November. Who would have imagined that the year will be over in a month and a half?!

Even though this year is coming to an end, we hope you have enjoyed yourself and have learned a lot. Not just in your daily lives, but also about your AirBrush app. We’d like to share more ideas with you, this time about ways to create cozy portraits. As Thanksgiving approaches, we want you to be ready for all the family pictures, Friendsgiving reunions, and cute selfies you will be taking.
We understand that everyone has a different family situation, and no matter who is your closest group of people, we wish you get to spend these holidays with them.
Using your AirBrush app, under the Filter tab, you will find two filter pallets: Jaipur and Portland. A quickly added filter can change the vibe of your photo by a lot. The JAI-6 filter will give your picture a snuggly and warm feeling to any family or friend gathering. It fits perfectly with the season and the cold weather.

The PDX-2 filter from the Portland package is also an excellent option for a cozy, soft picture with your loved ones.

By the way, if you are having a hard time finding any of these filters, click on the plus sign at the end of the list to access the rest of the Filter packages.
Comfort Food
Show off what you are eating to keep warm in these cold, Fall-holidays, and use the AirBrush app to heighten your photos. Under the Enhance tab, use the Brightness tool to decrease the lighting of your image. The more you reduce the brightness, the more the image will show a soft-mellow mood.

Another trick for making your pictures look cozier is by decreasing the Shadow. Depending on the lighting of the photo, the effect will play differently. Slide the toolbar until you find the right color for you. Remember, a little can go a long way.

Big jackets, beanies, and scarves are a necessity during these chilly times. You must be excited to finally take those out from the back of the closet, so why not flaunt them in some cool pictures?
Head back to the Enhance tab and look for the Temperature tool. This time you want to slide the bar to the right and increase the warmth of your photo. Notice that all these enhancement tricks add brown, red, and mustard tones. If you think about it, those are all the Fall colors.

Combine these tools to create an even better photo. For example, you can decrease the shadow, increase the Temperature, and add the PDX-2 filter. Look at the difference!

Keep Toasty
Create the warmest and coziest picture you can using the AirBrush app and tag us @airbrushoffical. Keep by a fire while drinking some tea and wear your mittens, because it is about to get colder! If you need any additional information about how to use the Enhance tools, head over to this post from a few weeks back.