Welcome to Aquarius season, weirdos! That’s right ‘tis the season to think outside the box and serve up your inner most oddities in the name of innovation! Just like that strange intro we’re going to push ourselves to the limit with edits for the 4 characteristics all Aquarius have and we should all aspire to conjure. #AquariusGoals!

Nothing can shake the idealism that an Aquarius has within them. Anything and everything is possible and we have all the tools we need to make it happen! Filters are the equivalent of perspectives. Hundreds of ways to take a fresh look at the same image from different perspectives. The VHS Filter Pack is the perfect selection to see the light in more than one way.

Standing out is your m.o. And you don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. Using the Hair Dye Tool can get you exactly where you need to be to turn all the heads. A neon pastel is the way to go and throwing in a dramatic Filter doesn’t hurt either!

When you live your life like you were born on the seventh ring of Saturn, you tend to think outside the box. Using an AirBrush hack like the Skin Tone Tool to create a neon fog is totally up your alley. Mix different tones then splash in a minimal filter like from the Pride Filter Pack. Always push yourself to PLAY! You’ll love what you end up with.

Listen, you’re wild, Aquarius. Your mom knows it, your sister knows it, the mailman knows it. Lean in! Using a bold Makeup Filter is the perfect way to let your eccentricities shine like a shooting start. Go even bolder and play with an out of this world Filter from the Element Filter Pack. You can even use one of our galactic Backgrounds and really set yourself up for blast off!
Which Aquarius attribute are you going to tap into this season? Is it eccentric? Is it non-conformist? Or is it all 4?? The world is your weird little oyster (oysters are weird if you think about it). Go out and make something no one has ever seen before! Then tag us using the hashtag #AirBrushApp. You just might get featured on our official instagram page @AirBrushOfficial. AirBrush is here to make your Aquarian dreams a reality.