Filters to Catch the Season

Welcome to the last month of the year, where the weather is colder, the vibes are warmer, and the people are jolly. 

You may already be planning your Christmas or other religious festivities for the next few weeks, and we are sure you’re pretty excited to hang out with friends and family. We have mentioned several times before how our AirBrush filters can be a simple addition to a picture, but they can make a huge difference. And, since the season is filled with emotions, excitement, and get-togethers, why not show you some filters that can go along with these events?

Office Christmas Party

Hopefully, your workplace throws a cool Christmas party for you and your coworkers. If not, why would you work in such a Grinch-minded place!? Anyways, as your party may be in the next couple of days, these are some filters to keep in mind while editing those festive pictures. We used Filters from the Modern, Jaipur, and Fade packages. 

Season Filters 01

Everyone’s setting will be different. By this, we mean the lighting, space, decorations, etc. So, use a filter that you feel best fits your situation and intensify it as much as you please. We also used filters from the Sienna, Daydream, and Everyday palettes.

Season Filters 02

End of the Semester

Another event we are sure you are enthusiastic about is turning in those final exams and finishing the school semester! If you live away from home and usually travel back for the holidays, you may want to throw a get together with your college friends. Celebrate the end of another year of late-night studies and lots of hangovers. However, you decide to celebrate these accomplishments, think of these three Filters as great options: Sand, SCL-1, or Goblin.

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Or these other two: DA-2 and MAR-4.

Season Filters 04


If you already have your Christmas decorations up, might as well show them off! We have to agree that holiday decorations can really change the vibe of any room, and we love how cute Christmas trees can be decorated. We want to see your decorations and how well the AirBrush filters can light up your rooms. 

Season Filters 05

We also decided to try these out, and we love them.

Season Filters 06


You better not be a Grinch when it comes to end-of-the-year celebrations or decorations! We’ll be sharing more posts throughout the month to give you ideas or encouragement for the days to come and how AirBrush will be a part of all your festivities. We always like to see your uploads, so tag us @airbrushoffical and look around our Instagram to see how else you can get into the holiday spirit.