Ultrapop filters

Can we all agree on how important it is to have an editing app that allows you to make improvements to our photos? We all want to be the envy of our followers.

As in previous posts, we want to show you that doing magic is quick and simple. I have to say that definitely, AirBrush has thought of everything; they spared no creativity, they wanted to be original and they have succeeded!

Time to be original

Curiosity led me to discovered these pack of filters am about to tell you about. I’ve always been super simple (some may say I don’t like taking risks) and when it comes to photo editing I’m the same way, comfortable using the same Black & White filters. And it is definitely not a bad thing, however, it is great to get a little creatives now and then…

Ultrapop pack Before

I’d like to start by showing you the 5 different filters of the Ultrapop pack.

ULT-1 Filter
ULT-2 Filter

ULT 1 and ULT 2, surprised me with the range of colors they have. Quite unusual but they have a certain “Je ne sais quoi” that I love. In the case of ULT 2, the scanner / X-ray kinda vibe is out of this world, I can think of so many photos I want to use it in!

ULT-3 Filter
ULT-4 Filter
ULT-5 Filter

ULT 3, ULT 4 and ULT 5, are a bit more conservative, however they tell a different story whenever you use them.

They are all very different from each other, right? This is what I liked the best. Considering how used I was to use the different tones of B&W and Sepia filters, this really got me. None resemble each other and yet all of them manages to captivate.

Love in times of Ultrapop

Couple Ultrapop Before

Paint your love story with Ultrapop, this filters are gonna steal your heart!

Couple Ultrapop Before ULT-1
Couple Ultrapop Before ULT-2
Couple Ultrapop Before ULT-3
Couple Ultrapop Before ULT-4
Couple Ultrapop Before ULT-5

The same picture can tell a whole different story depending on the filter we use. Choose wisely!

¡Watch out! You can get addicted to Ultrapop

For all of those that love to share stories, moments and memories, dare to be different, leave your comfort zone and forget your same old filter. Let us be daring, original, creative and without fear of change.

Imagine everything you can achieve if you dare to experience.

Can’t find them?


1st. Go to the filter library

AirBrush App Screen

2nd. Click on the (+) sign

Filter Gallery

3rd. Check if they are available to download

Filter Gallery 2

Discover all the filters we have for you! And if you still don’t have AirBrush in your phone, don’t worry! You can download it here and don’t forget to follow these simple tips to achieve incredible pics!