Find Your Sueñito In the Heights

If we’ve learned anything from In the Heights, it’s to never underestimate a dreamer. Whether that dream is to break free from your block and make it in the big city, or retreat from the city to live that island-paradise life, anything is possible once you have passion on your side. And, just in case you still aren’t sure what your dream is, AirBrush is here to inspire you to find your sueñito

Make moves with Boss Makeup

When it comes to dreams, no one’s more ambitious than Vanessa. The resident Lady Boss has aspirations that are far from small and she’s making all the moves required to achieve them.

You can’t chase those sueñitos in the heights without a little magic. So go ahead and dab just a hint of sparkle in the corners of your eyes.

  • Find the Glitter Tool  in your Retouch Tab.
  • Select the Red or Blue Glitter.
  • Zoom in to apply it to the edges of your eyes

The Future is Bright Alright

Abuela’s a wise woman, and she was right when she said that it’s the little details that tell the world we’re not invisible. So let’s focus on those minute elements for a minute, to ensure we get this edit just right.

  • Select Enhance Tools
  • Go to Contrast to adjust 
  • Tap the Brightness Feature to create a look that’s as bright as your future.
  • Next, select the Shadow tool use the cursor to take you from the darkness into the light

Just Be Smooth

In the Heights, it’s always good to be smooth and play it cool. So let’s do just that using the Smooth tool to soften our look.

  • In Retouch, select the Smooth tool
  • Adjust the size of the correcting brush and apply to create a more even finish

Always Dream Big

We heard you Usnavi: a dream isn’t some sparkly diamond and there are no shortcuts to achieving them. But some shortcuts are acceptable – like this Pola filter that will take your photo to new heights in an instant.

  • Go to Filters and select the Pola Filter Pack 
  • Selected PL-2 to for a dream-inducing effect
  • Use the center toggle to adjust the strength of the Filter.

It turns out we’re more than just dreamers, because we sure made our sueñito a reality with this In the Heights edit. Now it’s time for you to channel your hopes and dreams into a creation of your very own. Download AirBrush today and follow us @AirBrushApp for editing tips, tricks and hacks. Use #AirBrushApp when you share your pic and you could be featured in our IG stories!