Everyone likes makeup because everyone likes how makeup makes them look. It makes it seem like we have perfect skin. Though the skills to know how to put it on is something that needs to be learned. The internet has changed a lot in the last decade, and with those changes, many people have created their YouTube channel teaching others how to apply makeup and even share recommendations on which products to use.
Sam Robinson is a video blogger with over 500k followers on YouTube. What is her specialty? Teaching others how to apply makeup! She recently posted a video about Charlotte Tilbury’s AirBrush Foundation and what better opportunity than to give you all some tips on how to use your AirBrush app to show off some perfect skin.
For those of you who like to remove blemishes without overdoing the amount of makeup, we have a tool that will work for you. Smooth has two options, Light and Heavy. Each works the same way, though one will be more excessive.

A difference between blemishes and Acne is that one is a natural occurrence of the skin because of allergies, sun damage, and such, while Acne is an inconvenience that comes unexpectedly. AirBrush always has your back, just use our Acne tool! Simply zoom on the area you want to fix, once the circle is around the pimple, let the tool do its magic.

Highlighting features of your face using makeup is a common method used nowadays. However, if you do not know how to do it properly, your AirBrush app can help you. The Highlighter tool is easy and quick.

If you rather remove brightness from your face, the Matte tool will do the trick.

There are plenty of products out there that work on making the skin of the face firmer as if you haven’t aged a day. Well, now you don’t have to go get expensive creams or treatments done when you have a tool in the palm of your hands. In the AirBrush app, the Firm tool can help you fix those fine lines and wrinkles.

And voilà, perfect skin without having to spend tons of money!
A tip to better use these tools is to first zoom into the areas you want to make changes to, be gentle with the finger and adjust the size of the tool if needed. You also have an eraser or the back arrow for any mistakes or overdone areas. Have fun creating a perfect look and flaunt your perfect skin without much effort. Show us your perfect skin by tagging us @airbrushoffical.