Part I: Your December Horoscope

Hello AirBrush Astrology lovers! We are back again with our December horoscopes to give you the lowdown on what the next month has in store for you. 

Astrologically, this month is sure to be a power house. While there are a lot of astrological aspects to discuss (including a total solar eclipse on Monday, December 14th) the date to mark your calendars for will be December 21st when Jupiter and Saturn will meet in the sky at 0 degrees Aquarius.

Why is this important? Jupiter and Saturn are two very powerful outer solar system planets that do not often interact as closely as they will be on December 21st. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance and Saturn is the planet of obligation and duty. This long-awaited aspect known as the Great Conjunction occurs, on average, every 19 years and coincides with critical moments in human history. 

On a personal level, December 21st will mark a culmination of wisdom gained in the last year and decade. This will kick off a triumphant new period in your life. In what part of your life will this new era kick off? Read the horoscopes below to find out. Make sure to read the forecast for your Rising Sign for a more accurate report. You can discover what your Rising sign is by using this free calculator. And, don’t forget to check out the AirBrush feature most aligned with your astrological destiny this month.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

It’s going to be a beautiful month for you Aries. With the Sun shining through your 9th house of travel, education and philosophy! Now is the time to dream. And, especially, to dream about all the possibilities of what your world could be.

The great conjunction on December 21st will give you a forum to talk about what you can envision for the world to your friends and community. This aspect will also light up your hopes and wishes. Again, dreaming is your theme for the month, so dream BIG and let yourself envision that 2021 could be everything you hope for. The great conjunction could also bring challenges and themes related to your friendships. If it’s time to evolve out of outmoded behaviors with friends that are holding you back, then be honest with yourself and do the emotional homework that you need to. Remember: apologizing from a place of soulful vulnerability is a sign of strength not weakness.

Aries AirBrush Feature for December: 

As the sun shines through your 9th house the sun can also shine through your perfect pics. Try  a filter from the Afterglow Filter Pack to bring all the warmth you deserve with a gorgeous sun burst and warmed up tint.  

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

It will be a month of deep reflection for you, dear Taurus. With the sun shining through your 8th house of transformation and healing this month. The 8th house forces us to come to terms with our fear. Namely, the outmoded behaviors or dynamics in our lives that are products of our ingrained fears or insecurities. Be gentle with yourself as that emotional deep diving can be uncomfortable to say the least.

The great conjunction will be occurring in your 10th house of career so expect a new period in your work life. If you have struggled this year with your career path, then December 21st is the time to take strides towards a new era in your work. How are you holding yourself back from going after the career that you want? Do you have a job that inspires your passionate aspirations for the future? Don’t let the details of life hold you back from envisioning the career of your dreams. Trust that your manifestation will work and stay hopeful dear Bull.

Taurus AirBrush Feature for December: 

This month will ask you to be soft with yourself, give yourself a lil love. The Diamonds Filter let’s you bask in a soft glow and shine bright like the diamond you are. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Relationships will be the theme of your month, Gemini, with the sun shining through your 7th house of partnerships for most of the month. Challenges or learnings around your relationship, whether you’re in one or not, will come up. For a mutable, air sign like you, this work will be stimulating and fun as it will allow you to have bright, interesting conversations with your partner or potential partners. The great conjunction will light up your 9th house of higher learning so get excited to new possibilities of learning about new craft, subject or foreign culture through travel. Now would be a good time to start learning a new language or book travel in the new year. The new year is coming Gemini and you’re going to feel bright, shiny and new with all the exciting new things coming your way!

Gemini AirBrush Feature for December: 

Take pride in all your upcoming knowledge building and try the Pride Filter Pack. A selection of gorgeous rainbow flares that makes you they world knows how beautiful and intelligent you are. 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The mechanics and details of life will take sharper focus this month, Cancer, with the sun shining through your 6th house of routines. It would be a good time to reorganize your closet, finally clean out your car and pay those parking tickets that are long overdue. Taking care of these annoying details of life will help you feel secure and happy this month.

The great conjunction on December 21st will be taking place in your 8th house of transformations. It’s time to heal. Oftentimes, the 8th house can signify subconscious healing so be open to deep feelings bubbling to the surface that you didn’t even know existed. How can you be more present for the outmoded behaviors and dynamics in your life that are rooted in your subconscious fear? This is a soulful moment for you Cancer. Be incredibly compassionate and kind to yourself and ask for support when you need it.

Cancer AirBrush Feature for December: 

A routine and a clean up can go a long way. Try the Eraser Tool and get rid of the excess and focus on you SUCCESS!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This month will be in total alignment with what you love, Leo. I.e. passion and creativity! With the sun shining through your 5th house of pleasure, find ways to spark your passion and inner child sense of play this month. It will be a time when new romances could come to the fore or more interactions with children who bring out your playful side.

The great conjunction on December 21st will fall in your 7th house of relationships. Matters could surface that illuminate the ways in which your approach to long-term commitment and partnerships is out of alignment. How might your approach to relationships be imbalanced? Do you give as much emotional support and compassion as you get? Be honest with yourself and don’t hide behind that lion pride. In the end, opening up to the ways in which you might be acting out of greed or pride will give you more of what you want: connection.

Leo AirBrush Feature for December: 

Being playful and vulnerable are a tall order. You might try the newly updated Stretch Tool to give yourself the space you need to grow.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It will be all about family this month, Virgo, and not just because it’s the holiday season! With the sun shining through your 4th house of family and roots, relatives and family dynamics will take center stage this month. You’ll be finding yourself spending more time with family (either virtually or in-person) and also thinking about how your family and heritage has affected your evolution as a person.

With the great conjunction occurring on December 21st, your core beliefs system could be challenged as the aspect will occur in your 6th house. The 6th house is associated with Virgo and the machinery and mechanics of life. Also, the ways in which we serve others. Could the ways in which you serve others in your job and life be hyper-perfectionistic, critical or self-sacrificial? Look for imbalances and areas you need to recalibrate for growth.

Virgo AirBrush Feature for December: 

Imbalances and messes are best to clean up quick. The Whiten Tool will brighten up your surroundings and allow you to focus on what really matters.

Thanks for reading and check out Part 2 of our December horoscope series for the features and forecasts of the rest of the signs. Now that the stars have aligned, it’s your time to create and share the perfect selfie! Take a shot and share your edited image with the AirBrush app on Instagram at @AirBrushOfficial! Follow us for more content, video tutorials, and a chance to be featured on our profile by tagging the #AirBrushApp hashtag.