Pictures of pets: the guide

Whether you grew up with pets or became an owner later on in life, there is one undeniable thing: pets are members of the family. Owning a pet brings a sense of companionship, a feeling of security, and removes any loneliness. 

Pets definitely bring a positive attitude to the household with their funny faces, wagging tails, and crazy playful moments! That’s why it’s hard to resist taking out your cellphone to take a perfect shot. 

Professionals make it look easy, but pet photography is quite challenging. Pets can be impatient and move before you took the shot. So here are a few tricks to get the perfect shot. 

  • Use tricks: pets aren’t models and unless they are really well educated it can be hard to make them ‘pose’. By using a treat, a ball, or their favorite toy you’ll attract their attention- just enough to take the shot! 
  • Go at their level: by going on the floor and using the camera at your pet’s level, you’ll get to capture natural shots. 
  • Go for a walk: pets are very comfortable in nature, so take them outside, and get ready for the action! 
  • Focus on the eyes: who can resist puppy eyes? No one, obviously! The most communicative part of an animal is their eyes. Focus on their expressions and create magical pet portraits. 

Now that you have taken the perfect pet photo, it is time to edit your picture. And what better app than the AirBrush app to do this? Just for you pet lovers, the latest editing tips in pet photography! 

Use Bokeh 

For a dramatic blurry background use the Bokeh tool. This will put your furry friend in the center of attention! Finish the editing with a Filter, in this case, we used the Sienna and Analog filters pack. 

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Make the color pop! 

Create fun and unique pictures of your pets by using bright accessories. Then make them pop with the Colors feature. Each color will bring another part of the picture to life, a one-off each time! 

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Frame your pictures for a unique look with the Vignette tool. This will not only create an edging it will also help contrast your background. 

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Filters are ideal when it comes to pet photography. With the Filter feature give a new vibe to your picture. Some filters lean more towards the cold temperatures while others have more a ‘warm’ feeling. Simply jump from filter to filter until you find the one you like!

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Use Black & White

There is something about black and white picture that always screams sophistication, class, and elegance. Give that extra dramatic touch to your pet portrait by using the B&W Filter pack! This pack provides you with different intensity of black and white tones.

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Here at AirBrush we are huge pet lovers and we love see cute animal pictures. Show us your furry friends on their best pictures on Instagram with the hashtag #AirBrushApp, and follow us on @AirBrushOfficial for more content, video tutorials, and a chance to be featured on the page.