We all know how to be pretty but this October we’re choosing to be powerful. Since 1992, October has been designated breast cancer awareness month. The pink ribbon has become a global symbol, honoring all that this month is about. Today we’ll be celebrating pink October by channeling our inner pink warrior and creating pictures that are pink and powerful. Using three of our most incredible tools we’ll be ready to fight the good fight with rose colored glasses.
Suited for a lady

Pink October isn’t about being soft, it’s about staying strong. And, what could be stronger than a power suit? While we all deserve the pink lady suit of our dreams, it might not already live in all our closets. Don’t trip, we’ve got an Airbrush hack for your nerves.

The Hair Dye tool is usually for your hair but today we’re going to disrupt the status quo and use it to hand dye our lady power suit. Start off by tapping the white icon with the pointed finger on your left hand side. From there you’ll be prompted with three options: Dye Brush, Size, & Eraser.

Start by using the Eraser tool to eliminate the hair from the colored area. Then tap the Dye Brush and start brushing away at your suit. Remember, you can adjust the size of your brush by tapping Size and using the toggle. You can also use two fingers to zoom in and get all those little details.

As you’re working you can switch between dye shades to make sure you’re settling into the right shade of rosy pink OR wait until the end and try them all!

Oooooo girl did you go shopping? No? You just mastered the art of the Airbrush hack and gave yourself a full rainbow of power suits just in time for pink October? Wow. You’re the coolest!
Living with rose colored glasses

It’s no surprise that here at Airbrush we know our way around a filter. Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat, wouldn’t you think this filter collection is complete? No! We are constantly adding new, amazing filters. In honor of pink October we’re going to dive into the Celestial collection.

From Cosmos to Vesta, to Luna & beyond. The Celestial collection is truly sent from the heavens. Today we want to funk up our pink October masterpiece with a wash of unicorn tie dye all around us. Vesta adds the gorgeous ombre of our dreams to any of our favorite snapshots. Once you’ve chosen Vesta use the toggle at the bottom of the image to adjust the strength of the filter.

Bam! Look at this masterpiece! Truly a piece de resistance. That’s french for super cool pic, y’all. We’re not done thinkin’ about pinkin’ so let’s move on to the next Airbrush pink wonder.
Focus on the Pink

For those of you who came prepared for pink October we’ve got the perfect tool for you. Using the Colors tool allows you to turn the rest of the world on mute and blast the beautiful melody of your chosen color. Guess what color we’re choosing today. PINK! When using the Colors tool available on your Tools bar, Airbrush automatically detects the chosen color and mutes all other tones.

Once you’ve selected your color you can choose between shadows, midtones, & highlights. You can then use the toggle on the bottom of your picture to adjust the strength of the tool. Sometimes you just want a hint, sometimes you want the whole gallon. The world is your pink oyster.

And just like that the world now revolves around you and your gorgeous pink chiffon dress. The Colors tool isn’t just good for pink October. You can try every color of the rainbow any day of the year. Get out there and play!
Now it’s time to flex those muscles and show everyone your Pink Power using the AirBrush app! Make sure to upload your photos and tag #AirBrushApp on Instagram to be featured on our profile, @AirBrushOfficial.