We feel the holiday spirit coming along as we get deeper into December, as the weather gets colder, and some of us begin to see some snow falling. This time of the year can be nostalgic because of all the festivities and family time we’ll be spending. It also may be exciting because of the cooler weather and more extended vacations.
No matter what you celebrate these upcoming days, we want you to feel inclusive when it comes to using AirBrush and how it can be used during your specific celebrations.
There are endless filters in AirBrush that can be used this month. For instance, if you celebrate Christmas, you want to look for colors that resemble reds, greens, and whites. On the other hand, if you celebrate Hanukkah, you want to look for white, blue, and gold colors. What we want to focus on in this post is for you to know how to put together filters that make your photos relatable to the holiday you are celebrating.

[Under the Analog palette you can find good options]
Regardless of what religious or traditional celebrations you are a part of, some things that are general for everyone, like the weather and the coziness that one wants to feel.
A Filter that portrays hues of brown is a good idea since they can show off a feeling of warmth and affection. Though, what you do have to be aware of is, some filters will show off different colors depending on what colors your photo already has.

[The Jaipur filters can apply amazing brown hues]

[The Scarlett palette has great red filters]
Most of our bodies are covered during winter because it’s too cold to be stepping outside without at least a sweater. Even when inside our house, we may end up using more clothing than usual because we want to keep warm. So, when we are all covered up, what part of our body shows the most? Our face.
The Makeup tool is the perfect addition to any picture you take during the holidays. But, you can’t just wear any color, some shades go better with the season. Darker colors will be the best option, especially when it comes to lipsticks.

When going for a darker lipstick, opt for lighter eyes and cheeks or vice versa.

All Together
Once you have played around with both a Filter and Makeup, you can apply them together. There isn’t a better way to go about it, you could either choose a Filter first and then add the Makeup, or the other way around.

We tried a trick we haven’t told you before on the previous photo, maybe you’ll want to try it too. We first applied the three Makeup tools: Electrify, Freckle, and Sparkle. After, we went to the Freeze filter palette and chose FZ-2. We check-marked (applied it), but once it was saved, we went back to the same filter and applied it again. It makes a huge difference!
Now it’s your turn to head over to the AirBrush app and check out which filters and makeup tools you like best for this holiday season. Create your style, and don’t forget to show it off with us @airbrushoffical.