Make your own AirBrush makeup

Hello people! I’m back with more tips!

I don’t know if you remember, but a few posts back I talked about using AirBrush makeup in your pictures. And since then, I started thinking about how all of us are different and we all have our preferences, so this means that the makeup I like, you may not like it. I love dark lipstick tones, and you may prefer them lighter, or something like that.

So, I wanted to show you a very dope thing you can do using AirBrush: you can create a makeup that fits your personality and your tastes perfectly. Amazing, huh?!

This is gonna be a quick tutorial. Because as you know, it is meant to be helpful and not take a lot of you time. So I hope you are ready, ‘cause we’re about to start!

My Look

First of all, open your photo and click on “Makeup”. Then, choose the option “My Look” so you can start creating your very own Makeup.

airbrush makeup tool photo editor

Eyes that stand out.

Let’s start creating a more suitable makeup option for ourselves, we’ll have to choose item by item. For the “Eyes”, I chose “Sultry”.

airbrush makeup tool photo editor eyes

Next, the eyebrows.

For the “Eyebrows” my chosen option was “Blushed”.

airbrush makeup tool photo editor eyebrowns


For the “Blush” part, I chose “Freckles”. I think having freckles is super cute and I looove using them whenever I use the AirBrush makeup.

airbrush makeup tool photo editor blush freckles

Powerful Lipstick! Why not?!

For my “Lips” the winner option was “Drama” because I’m really into dark lipsticks.

airbrush makeup tool photo editor lips lipstick

After that, you’ll just need to click on the “Done” button to save your look. This way, everytime you want to use it on your pictures, it’ll be ready to be rocked. Cool, huh?!

Final Touch.

Filters make all the difference, and we all know it. So, I went to the “Filter” section and chose “Breezy”. You can find it in the “Modern” folder.

airbrush makeup tool photo editor filter breezy

Before and After.

Look how amazing it looks!

airbrush makeup tool photo editor before after

So, I tried using this same makeup we just create in “My Look” with another photo. Check it out:

airbrush makeup tool photo editor before after

And this is it, people. Now you know how to have your own makeup in your AirBrush app.

Remember to tag us on your Instagram photos @airbrush_br. We’ll love to use what you create!

I hope you liked it. Kisses, and until the next one.