By now, you’d have to be well aware that Mother’s Day is less than a week away. If you’ve been procrastinating on what to get her, let’s offer you a distraction that you can at least call research. For Mother’s Day, AirBrush has eight filters developed to show your mom off in the best light. To find out which is her best light, you can take our below to find out which Filter suits your mom best.

Your mom is the stylish mom and she knows it. She’s not one to shy away from incorporating the latest trends while also mixing in her classic vintage pieces. She is comfortable drawing the attention her fashion sense and confidence attract, so she carries herself with a deep sense of security. This Mother’s Day he Vogue Filter can cast a brightening spotlight on this woman of style, highlighting the intentionality of her outfits.

These moms grew up to be one of your best friends. She remembers what it was like to be your age and strives to make sure you always feel heard. She validates your feelings and guides you through mistakes, instead of just reprimanding you for them. For Mother’s Day, our Romantic Filter offers that rose tint that your mom sees the world through, the good and the bad.

The traditional and stoic mom. She may be an unmoving authority figure in your life but she’s as solid as a rock. And you like that you can depend on her to do the things a mom is supposed to do. She is the mom that tends to traditions and keeps things running like clockwork. Honor her tastes on Mother’s Day with AirBrush’s Classic Filter can give your mom that matriarchal look when paired with a simple portrait.

It feels like you and your mom have been friends ever since you can remember. You guys share a sense of humor and honestly, an aesthetic as well. She gets the pop culture trends and has the rare talent of being to speak the same language of the youth. The Regal Filter is a filter fit for a queen but one that doesn’t take herself too seriously.
Did your mom appear before your eyes with our responses? We bet she did and we’ll also wager that these filters will complement photos of your mom on Mother’s Day. With AirBrush, the easy photo editor, you can easily apply the filter that best suits your mom and the energy she brings. After editing, post your photos with #AirBrushApp so we can find them and have a look. Then, follow us @AirBrushOfficial on Instagram for our latest tips, tricks and hacks!