Hello there, how are you?
Today the talk is about a trend that never goes out of style and wins the hearts of many people out there: The photos clean!
But anyway, what this?
“Clean Effect” is basically a standardization of colors and edits to create a visual harmony between your photos, that is, for a photograph to become clean, just leave it in lighter and cooler shades, such as white for example.
However, it is not always possible to capture a clean image or white tones, and then that is where the editing comes in: filters, swings, luminosity and an extra secret, how can I find out?
The common edits of light exposure, contrast, sharpness and temperature, are very useful for those who want to go with this fashion. However, usually this type of edit messes with the whole photo, changing the color of the set, not being possible work only in specific points.
AirBrush app has a cool tool that is wonderful to give that light touch in specific points of the photo: the “Whiten” function.
This is usually used as a feature to whiten the teeth in a selfie or close-up photography but it is much more useful than we imagine and super easy to use. It neutralizes yellow and orange tones, “lowering” the photo temperature and transforming the object into a neutral object (white). Let’s see in practice?
First, open the AirBrush app, click on “library” and select your photo.
I already chose mine!

Now select the “Whiten” option
You can use the tool throughout the image and then erase the spots where you do not want it to have the whitening effect applied. In my case I applied the effect to the whole photo.
Then you can apply a filter of your choice or tweak the basic settings of the photo.
And this is the result, amazing isn’t it?

It is important to remember that the whitening effect doesn’t fully work with some tones, so the ideal is to go testing and applying filters to intensify the result.
Want to test the tip? Download the AirBrush app!
See you next tip!