Nomadding is the New Jetsetting

Nomadding is the New Jetsetting 01

After a year of sitting of virtual life why go back? Or better yet why not double down! Webster’s Dictionary describes a nomad as a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally. When your office lives on your laptop why not pack it up and take it with you across the world. Nomadding is the new jetsetting and we’ve got just the tips to get you through it. Here are the AirBrush steps to nomadding in style.

Loosen Your Roots

They key to starting your nomad journey is to make sure you’re not tied down to any major responsibilities. Start off by eliminating certain bills like delivery services, rent, etc.

  • Adjust your Tool Size to fit the item you’ll be detailing.
  • Use the Details Tool to define certain objects or people in your images.

Play to Your Strengths

Sometimes the key to expanding your horizons is to use what you’ve already got! Figure out where your skills and strengths lie then figure out how to monetize that. Are you a master at excel? Find some account positions that allow you to be mobile. Know how to string some words together? Writing jobs are plentiful in the age of social media. 

  • Drag the selected area to a space with less details.
  • Use the center toggle to begin Stretching the selected area.

Figure Out Your Vibe

Regardless of what your plans may or may not be you’ll need to start off with some reflecting. During this reflecting figure out what is the vibe you want in your first travel location and then the rest of your locations. After all a true nomad doesn’t stay anywhere too long. 

  • After you’re done adjusting the Brightness you can start playing with the Shadows to create a little drama.
  • Tap the check mark to save your edits.

Figure Out Your First Stop

You want to start off on the best note possible! Figure out a location that will ease you into your new life. Maybe somewhere with a large population of virtual nomads that can show you the ropes!

Plan and Conquer!

Get out there and live! Now you’ve thought it out, you planned it out, you’ve event edited it out! You’re about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime and we can’t wait to see every part of it. In fact we demand it! Follow AirBrush at @AirBrushOfficial and use the tag #AirBrushApp to show off all your adventures. We might just feature them on our official stories. Now get out there and nomad!