Hello everyone, how are you all doing?
On today’s post I’ll give you a photo editing tip I love: filters! I’ve been testing some photo editing tools for a while and I found a filter called “Mint” in AirBrush. You can find it in the Vintage filters’ – folder inside the app. Your picture will get a different vibe with pastel colors that will completely change the color shade of your photo, which I find particularly amazing. Let’s check out some before and after photos!.

One thing I love about this photo is that even my hair has a vibrant color!

I loved the effect of this filter on the ocean in the background and on the sand, which got a lot brighter.

Check how different the flowers look! They have a beautiful color – Just like my red hair!
Finally, this is my favorite picture! Notice how this filter has completely changed the photo and made my shirt and lipstick get a darker shade. Not to mention how natural it looks – it doesn’t seem like this photo has been edited, right? I’m truly in love with this filter.

So, how do you like my tip on this filter? Now you’re ready to nail photo editing! Don’t forget to post your photos on Instagram and share them with me @biasantosblog.
XOXO and see you next!