Happy Scorpio Season! We have officially entered one of the most reflective and soulful periods of the year with the Sun entering Scorpio on October 23rd. This November we will also have several planets stationing direct, including Mercury, the planet of communication, on November 3rd and Mars, the planet of drive, on November 13th. Mercury has been retrograde since October 13th and Mars since September 9th. Retrogrades allow us time to reflect and revise our approach in different areas of life. You may have noticed delays in your life during the Mercury and Mars retrogrades that allowed you to slow down and review your actions. With both planets going direct this November, your action will kick back into gear this November, hopefully with a renewed sense of focus and purpose following last month’s retrogrades.
The November will end with an impactful Gemini full moon on November 30th which will also coincide with a lunar eclipse, officially kicking off eclipse season. Eclipses signify new chapters. You may feel a fog finally lifting with this eclipse as you wake up to see the world with new eyes.
What do the stars have in store for you this month? Read your astrological forecast to know the themes at play in your life this month. Also, check out the AirBrush feature most aligned with your astrological destiny this month. Be sure to read the horoscope for you Rising sign for a more accurate report.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
The sun will be transiting your 8th house of healing and transformation this month, Aries, which means a focus on your soul connections with others. With both your ruling planet Mars and planet of communication, Mercury, retrograding in your 1st and 7th houses, it may have felt like everything you wanted to do both independently and in relationships was frustratingly delayed the last couple months. The good news is that this month will feel much more active and forward-moving (just like you like it!) with both Mercury and Mars going direct. Take the lessons you learned from this retrograde period and use it to take a patient, more balanced approach in your relationships. You’ve gone through a lot the last couple of months, Aries, and it’s time to integrate all your learnings and hardships to build a stronger, wiser version of yourself. New and stimulating ideas and communication will revitalize you at the end of the November on the Gemini full moon lunar eclipse. You’re finally going to feel a little more like your fiery self this month, Aries!
Aries AirBrush Feature for November:
While you patiently wait for all that change to ignite we recommend changin’ it up a little with the Hair Dye tool. No fuss, no waiting, and you can do it RIGHT NOW

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
During Scorpio season, the sun shines through your 7th house of partnerships, dear Taurus. This is the time of the year that really challenges you to share yourself with other people, Taurus, and especially individuals who are opposite of you, as the sun will be shining in the sign of Scorpio, your polar opposite sign. You could meet an exciting new romantic interest or enter into an unexpected business partnership. Expect your counterpart in any of these relationships to be quite the opposite of you. Open yourself up to learning to give a little this November, Taurus, which you can be hard pressed to do if you’re not feeling it. Mercury will be stationing direct in your 6th house of work life and routines, freeing you up to be a little more productive in your day-to-day routine. It’s also a good time to restart any wellness or workout regimes that might have fallen by the wayside the last couple months. The Gemini full moon lunar eclipse will fall in your 2nd house of personal finance and values so expect a shake up in those realms or at least a feeling that everything you thought you held dear is different now. This may include a shift from focusing less on stuff and more on the values your possessions represent. Is it new clothes that you love or is it the feeling of adornment you get when you wear them? Push yourself to think critically about the values you really hold dear this November, Taurus.
Taurus AirBrush Feature for November:
As you’re led by the stars to focus on what matters, use the Bokeh tool to melt away all that outside stuff and focus on nurturing the inner you.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Focusing on your career will be the theme of your month, Gemini, with the sun transiting your 6th house of work life and routines. It would be a great time to start a new health regimen or optimize your work from home space for heightened productivity. Mercury will be stationing direct in your 5th house which will also mean stimulating social events and play! Combined with Mars going direct in your 11th house, you should expect your social life to get a boost of energy this month. Have some fun, Gemini, and know that the delays and frustrations you’ve encountered recently in work life will be less and less. The full moon eclipse in your sign at the end of the month will give you a fresh zeal on life. It may even make you feel like a completely different person. This energy will be exciting after so many months of feeling stuck in place, a feeling that for you, playful Gemini, can be uncomfortable to say the least. Now go and HAVE FUN!
Gemini AirBrush Feature for October:
When the stars tell you to party.. You should party! Kick it all off with the Cosmos filter from the Celestial filter pack.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
It’s all about play, Cancer! With the sun transiting through your 5th house of children and creativity, you’ll have many opportunities to connect with your inner child this month. Whether that be through new creative hobbies, spending time with children or falling in love, focus on the activities that make you feel good this month! Mercury and Mars will be going direct in the areas of your chart focused on your family and career. Take note of communication patterns with your family and how it affects your sense of home. Also be mindful of how your interactions with your family affects your commitment and focus in your career, which will also be a theme this month with Mars going direct in your 10th house of career, status and reputation. You know better than most signs the importance of a stable home life to professional expansion. Your mantra for the month: root down to grow. The Gemini lunar eclipse will further enhance your ability to dig deep in your home life and unearth any secrets or hidden meanings that might be holding you back from connecting with family members. A wave of emotion is certain with this lunation. Your challenge is to stay grounded rather than letting it take you out to sea.
Cancer AirBrush Feature for October:
With a mantra like root down to grow and strict orders to have some fun we recommend that you play with the forest background. Get out in nature and ground yourself!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Your home life will be the focus this month, dear Leo, with the sun transiting your 4th house of home, family and roots. Focus on your relationships with family, undertake home improvement projects, anything to make you feel more grounded in your private, home life. Mercury and Mars will be going direct in your 3rd house of intellect and your 9th house of learning so if you’ve felt like your academic or professional performance has been affected by a mental fog, know that it will be over soon. The Gemini lunar eclipse will be taking place in your 11th house of friendships and community. Be open to changes in your friend group, even some uncomfortable recalibrations if needed. People change and so do friendships. Remember, it’s OK to outgrow people. In the end, growing out of relationships that aren’t serving you anymore creates more space for relationships that are more in flow with your authentic self. Trust the process.
Leo AirBrush Feature for October:
Let the sun shine in and warm your home life with SI-1 from the Sienna filter pack.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
It will feel noisy this month Virgo with the sun shining through your 3rd house of communication and intellect. As a Mercury-ruled sign, you love the chatter! Lean into lots of conversations with siblings, neighbors and colleagues. You might even take a short day trip somewhere for a burst of stimulation. Mercury will be going direct in your 2nd house of personal finance so payment issues or overspending bursts should resolve itself this month. With Mars going direct in the 8th house, take heart that any debt you might have collected over the last couple months will also be figured out soon. The Gemini lunar eclipse will be falling in your 10th house of career so expect a total realignment of your career and your professional goals. Even if it’s tumultuous remember that eclipses are always for the greater good. In the end, this recalibration will set you on a path that is more aligned with your overall growth. Be kind to yourself through the discomfort and remember: it’s OK not to have everything figured out all the time. For a perfectionist like you, dear Virgo, it’s actually more evolutionary for you to sit with uncertainty.
Virgo AirBrush Feature for October:
Lean into the adventure and expect the unexpected with the Timber filter from the Element filter group.

Thanks for reading and check out Part 2 of our November horoscope series for the features and forecasts of the rest of the signs. Now that the stars have aligned, it’s your time to create and share the perfect selfie! Take a shot and share your edited image with the AirBrush app on Instagram at @AirBrushOfficial! Follow us for more content, video tutorials, and a chance to be featured on our profile by tagging the #AirBrushApp hashtag.