The holidays can bring a feeling of warmth and kindness to anyone who celebrates with friends or family. We hope you get to enjoy yourself with whoever you’ll spend this Thanksgiving with.
At AirBrush, we want to make sure you get to enjoy yourself as much as possible, and by that, we like to provide you with ideas on how to edit your holiday photos. In a previous post, we talked about how keeping warm during the cold days is a must and how to also take advantage of those moments to rock out some nice pictures. Well, we want to continue the idea of providing a warm and cozy environment, but this time with a filter.
Thanksgiving is about being grateful and spending time with loved ones. With these festivities, you should feel rich and full of gratitude for your family and friends, and not to mention yourself.
Take some pictures with or of your loved ones and edit them using the Splendor filter pallet. Demonstrate the joy and affection that is shared during your festivities.

Who doesn’t enjoy the amazing food served at Thanksgiving dinner! Even though there are some staple dishes for this day, some families have other traditions. Either situation you are in, you should be able to updo your photos with a Filter from Splendor.

Besides sweaters, coffee, and fireplaces, once the weather gets cold outside, you get the feeling of wanting to cuddle. Cuddling is a way not only keeping warm but also being close to those we love. We hope you get to truly enjoy these days off from work or school to hug all those people you care for.
If you happen to snap a picture of this moment, use the Splendor pallet to filter your lovely photo.

Another way one makes memories is my giving each other presents. It is not the value or the size of the item but rather the gesture that makes it more significant. Capture these memories and edit them with AirBrush so you can later share the photos or even print them out!

As you may have noticed from all the previous pictures, the filters from the Splendor pallet add a feeling of warmness and a vintage look to the pictures. On some of these filters, the more you increase the effect, the more you will see some lines appearing throughout your photo. Think of this as an effect of radiance gleaming through.
Go for It
Try it out for yourself, it may not be Thanksgiving just yet, but you can still open up the app and give yourself an idea of the type of pictures you will want to take and use with the filters. Keep on the lookout for the other posts we will have for the rest of this week that will give you even more ideas for your holiday festivities, and don’t forget to show us your edits by tagging us @airbrushofficial ?